Medication Refill and Follow-Up Expectations

  • The standard of care for prescribing any medication to a minor is monthly follow-up, but once stable we can extend for up to 3 months (stimulants excepted)
  • The standard of care for prescribing stimulants to anyone is monthly follow-up (with rare exceptions). If not taking a stimulant daily, meeting at an interval consistent with administration of 30 doses is acceptable
  • The standard of care for anyone receiving a prescription from me is to follow-up no longer than every three months
  • If requested to refill a medication outside of an office visit, I will likely still do so in the future, but will refer the patient/parent to the expected follow-up schedule. If this becomes a pattern with particular patients, I may choose to stop prescribing to them outside of office visits

Exceptions frequently exist, and I'm open to them; but this structure provides expectations unless we have agreed to some alternative plan that fits our unique treatment relationship.